Press Release - Q1 2020-21 Financial Results

Press Release

17th August, 2020

Petronet LNG Ltd

Ø Growth in Profit Before Tax (PBT) of the current quarter Q1, FY 2020-21 over the previous quarter Q4, FY 2019-20 by 43%

Ø Growth in Profit After Tax (PAT) of the current quarter Q1, FY 2020-21 over the previous quarter Q4, FY 2019-20 by 45%

During the quarter ended 30th June, 2020 (current quarter), Dahej terminal processed 181 TBTU of LNG as against 206 TBTU processed during the previous quarter and 217 TBTU processed during the corresponding quarter. The overall LNG volume processed by the Company in the current quarter was 190 TBTU, as against the LNG volume processed in the previous and corresponding quarter, which stood at 219 TBTU and 226 TBTU respectively.

The Company has reported PBT of Rs 696 Crore in the current quarter, as against Rs 486 Crore in the previous quarter and Rs 838 Crore in the corresponding quarter. The PAT for the current quarter was reported at Rs 520 Crore as against the PAT of the previous quarter and corresponding quarter i.e. Rs 359 Crore and Rs 560 Crore respectively.

In spite of the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the economy and the Oil & Gas industry, the strong financial results in Q1, 2020-21, was achieved due to robust operational efficiency and effective commercial planning by the Company.

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